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  • If her initial encounter is missed, where she gifts the player the Spirit Calling Bell and Lone Wolf Ashes, both can then be found and purchased from the Twin Maiden Husks at the Roundtable Hold.
  • To access the area where Ranni's Rise resides, you must defeat Royal Knight Loretta at the Caria Manor. She can next be found in the Liurnia region, at the top of Ranni's Rise.
  • If the player somehow misses their first encounter with Ranni, this will not prevent her quest from being completed.
  • She will then disappear after being spoken to again, walking far enough away from her, or attempting to rest at the Site of Grace. Upon doing so and answering her question in the affirmative, she will gift the player with the Spirit Calling Bell and the Lone Wolf Ashes.

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  • Once she has arrived, she will call out to the player to approach and speak with them.
  • Ranni is first encountered going by the name Renna, when the player teleports to the Church of Elleh early on, after you have met Melina and acquired Torrent.
  • Ranni Questline: How to Complete Ranni's Quest in Elden Ring Ranni's Quest - First Meeting Ranni the Witch can be found at Ranni's Rise in the Three Sisters sub-region of Liurnia of the Lakes for a majority of Ranni's questline. At the same time, Ranni seems to have lost her original body and now resides as spirit inhabiting an artificial doll body, seeking to restore her Empyrean status with the aid of blacksmith Iji, preceptor Seluvis, wolf warrior Blaidd, and the Tarnished.

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    She appears to have some involvement in The Night of Black Knives, where Black Knife Assassins stole a shard of the Rune of Death and murdered Godwyn, the Golden. After Radagon departed and became the consort to Marika, Ranni and her siblings were raised to demigod status, as they were now the children of the consort of a goddess. Ranni is the daughter of Radagon and Rennala. I stole Death long ago, and search now for the dark path. This page covers vital information for Ranni's questline for Elden Ring. Upon meeting her again at Three Sisters, she reveals her true name and eventually will recruit you into her servitude, sending you off in search of a hidden treasure. Ranni the Witch is a mysterious figure who first introduces herself as Renna.

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