Dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash
Dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash

dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash

On his way to Comms Control, Isaac is trapped in the Main Atrium by a quarantine and forced to battle large amounts of Exploders, Enhanced Slashers and Enhanced Leaper. She instructs Isaac to head for the Comms Control Station while she hacks the door to Communications.

dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash

The chapter begins in the Bridge - the area last visited in Chapter 4: Obliteration Imminent with Kendra informing Isaac that the USM Valor has responded to their distress signal, but she cannot respond back until the Comms Array is fixed. Isaac heads to the tram which will bring him to the debris of the USM Valor. Hammond informs Isaac and Kendra that there is a shuttle they can use to escape although it requires a singularity core which can be salvaged from the ruins of the USM Valor. It crashes into the Ishimura causing a signal disruption which allows Hammond to contact Isaac. Unfortunately, the Valor meets its demise when it recovers the escape pod that was launched back in Chapter 4. In this Chapter, Isaac must fix the Comms Array and destroy The Slug in order to contact the USM Valor.

Dead space 2 chapter 7 solar array crash